Rescued Sport goods e-commerce website from lost web organic traffic
Sporting business is another most popular business online, our client is selling top brand sporting goods from baseball bat to soccer ball has been in business since 2012 selling products across USA & Europe, it has developed a reputation as an reliable online supplier from schools to individual customers.
ProblemThe mid size online business suddenly found that they lost around 60% of their organic web traffic in just one week, the in house team did not knew what to do and wanted assistance from external agency to help them understand what went wrong, as customer conversion rate was good from organic web traffic then compared to PPC.
SolutionWe checked how they did SEO from the beginning of 2018 to early 2019 and found that they had used several external agencies which mainly build content and did link building for keywords provided by their marketing team, now as Google changed its ranking guidelines and decided to penalize website which had done link building on low quality website using poorly written content our client suffered penalty loosing organic traffic. First we did an web audit to find on-page and off-page problems and bugs, we did a link analysis to figure out bad links and started the removal process manually, this is tedious and time taking step it took several weeks to clean up and disown those remaining links at Google webmaster central which were not possible to be removed, we also laid down expire date of each content we distributed online that means we would remove those content and replace links by building new time sensitive content every few months.
ResultAfter the link removal process we created new content which was engaging and created links which were as per guidelines of Google, after couple of months of natural link building process we increased organic web traffic by 40%