Online Lead generation for home loan company in NY
Home loan business is now mainly run over internet lead generation capability, companies have spent several millions of Dollar to create portals and market them online using all available marketing channels, Our client is one of the biggest private loan provider in NY area, the company typically has very lean sales team it mainly relies on online lead generation for new business.
ProblemThe company had spent several thousand dollars each month on Search Engine marketing strategy from 2005 onwards which was working fine earlier, but due to recent algorithm changes by Google they lost all the top ranking keyword thus reducing the number of lead generated each day which further reduced conversion rate and sales decline, they were willing to explore other online marketing options from social media to paid advertising but were not sure how to distribute the marketing budget based on their current limited online marketing knowledge.
SolutionWe started from analyzing entire Home loan business model online, figured out niches which we can tap in and explore we also examined their competitors and based on the fact gathered we formulated marketing plan which would focus more on pay per click (PPC) but the problem was we were not having enough budget for PPC to capture high volume search keywords available on Google, Bing & Yahoo. We decided to bid on long trail keywords thus understanding intent of the search customer better which allowed us to get higher clicks & resulting better conversion rates compared to short trail keywords.
From organic side we did a web audit and found several on page bugs and bad keyword back links acquired with time were damaging keyword ranking possibilities, we created new targeted content based on current economic factors which resulted Google ranking for some top keywords. We did not focus much on social media as people who take loan don’t want to speak out in public about other their financial situation, yes but used several bloggers to distribute content which would educate the customer thus resulting referral web traffic.
ResultSales jumped in first few months by 20% and by the end of year we saw 50% new sales lead, the customer is delighted and is willing to spend more on mix of PPC and SEO further willing to spend in content creation program which leads to trust creation among readers.